Traffic Source #1
Instant MTC Traffic Shares |
and foremost, the entire MTC website itself is a huge traffic co-op of sorts, involving all of our members - including you, once you join.
The way it works is genius...
Hundreds of members are sending us traffic every day through special MTC websites that we provide them with for FREE.
highly motivated to do so because we freely pay them commissions of up
to $200 per month, per visitor, on our MTC traffic packages -
the same packages you can purchase on this page - through their MTC
...So what does that have to do with you? Great question...
And the answer is that when you purchase one or more MTC Traffic Shares on this page through the buttons above or below, within seconds you can submit your own ad and have it running in a rotation across our entire network of 100's of MTC member websites.
Your ad will appear in the right margin of every member website as shown here...

...It can either be a banner image. Or virtually any YouTube video with a headline of your choice...
the banners and videos don't even have to be yours. Most affiliate
programs have ready made banner ads. And other peoples' YouTube videos
can be shared freely. All you do is enter the link to the video and
boom, you've got yourself a video ad aside from entering a little text.
Soooo easy.
MTC Traffic Share that you purchase is equivalent to one of these banner
ads or video ads (your choice between the two) that will run for 30
days. After that, it will automatically renew and run again unless you
want to cancel.
...In other words, 1 MTC Traffic Share equals one 30 day ad running across all of our MTC member websites.
2 Traffic Shares equals two 30 day ads running across all of our MTC member websites.
You get the idea :)
...But wait...
Not only will each of your ads rotate evenly with other ads across our entire, rapidly growing network of MTC member sites.
They'll also be seen in the following places (again rotating evenly with other MTC member ads)...
Your offer will be seen here (exit splash feature)...

And here (on the MTC member home page)...

And here (in our Product Spotlight display)...

And here (on other pages in the MTC member area)...

And here (shown as a full page ad when members first log in)...

And here (on all MTC community forum pages)...

...With many traffic services, you have no clue where your ad is being shown (or if it's actually being shown). But here you've just seen SEVEN locations where your ad will be on display both in public all across the web and in private in our member area.
We have full stats reporting in your member area including views and clicks, so that you can track
your results and decide if you want to continue with your MTC Traffic Shares.
While there's no guarantee on the exact number clicks you can receive, there is also no limit on the clicks you can receive in any given 30 day ad period!
You can also edit your ads on the fly for testing and tweaking purposes. One ad may bomb, while another ad
may perform far beyond your expectations. We make it ultra easy to
test and learn as you go.
And there you have it! Click here to order your MTC Traffic Shares right now!...
